Going Beyond Goals To Achieve Your Dream

One can define that, a destination or point is referred to as a goal. In all honesty, a written goal is not a form of magic; rather, it functions as a guide to achieving your goals. Without action, a goal is worse than useless, meaning knowledge plus action is all it takes to survive at the martket place. Having stated this, what could be the reason for one individual’s success and another’s failure? Worry no more we are going to elaborate more on it soon.


The solution is found in the term “lifestyle.” We will conduct a thorough examination of our paper in the near future. One thing everyone must take note is to do not ever forget that your destiny is determined by your lifestyle choices, so please take a good note and be cleaver in your actions. It is very important. The majority of individuals who pursue success in life do so with a specific outcome in mind. One can claim, “I desire that,” they say when they observe successful individuals on television, in the movies, or in their own communities. But the questions is how ready are you? While they focus on the success—the money, the reputation, the body, the successful career, the happy relationships, and everything else—they neglect the lifestyle that led to that success. If they did, they would recognise that all of these successful outcomes are feasible, but only in conjunction with the luxurious lifestyle they will soon be leading.

Make this point crystal clear: You can achieve any type of success you desire if you are prepared to adopt the lifestyle that precedes success. Along the way, several individuals inform me that they have always harboured a desire to write after discovering that I am a life coach and a writer. They assert that I possess an exceptional book concept. Additionally, I would desire to have my name included in the royalty checks. No doubt, it must be absolutely fabulous!

In that regard, I must concur, as your life corresponds to those criteria. It would be an absolute delight to dedicate my life to the generation of ideas, the publication of my name, and the collection of royalty checks.

Dont be disappointed, there is and will always be a way of life that precedes all of those outcomes for dreamers. For example, I was in the shower at five o’clock this morning, while everyone else was comfortably tucked into bed. At the age of 18, Nancy was consuming breakfast cereal from a bowl. I was writing at my desk at 5:10 p.m each day for many years and will continue to be present for an extended period of time, as I have clients to coach today (and on the majority of days).

I do not wish for this to be perceived as a demonstration of my prejudice against my own work. As it turns out, I derive pleasure from writing and coaching. The prospect of waking up early in the morning and dedicating the majority of my day to assisting others in achieving their aspirations is truly thrilling to me. The argument I am attempting to make is that in order to achieve success in your work, you must adopt the lifestyle of a writer. That suggests that continuous writing is necessary. On a daily basis.


The same is true for any other form of success. To achieve the goals of fitness and health, it is crucial to adjust one’s lifestyle and be consistent in your daily exercise and dietary habits. To achieve the goal of maintaining close family relationships, it is necessary to adopt a lifestyle that prioritises effective communication skills and frequent family gatherings. Destiny does not dictate your lifestyle. Your future is influenced by your lifestyle. When you now compare this approach to the ones found in the majority of self-help books, you will uncover their fatal flaw: Many self-help programs maintain that the ultimate goal is to establish a lifestyle that is a direct result of achieving success.

Success is not instant at all, and can be achieved by adding action to a lifestyle that is well-designed and practical. In any event that you require further pressure, always try to consider the following: What was the life of the majority of the current mega-successful individuals like before they achieved the level of success they currently enjoy? Now I will tell you something that will blow your mind, did you know that Bruce Willis spent five hours each evening watching soap operas or the most recent action films on video. Quite incredible, was Anthony Robbins a consistent patron of his neighbourhood pub, content to observe the evenings in peace with only a few drinking companions and beers nearby to maintain his alertness? Also have you ever ready anywhere that, Meg Ryan consumed cheese puffs and observed daytime television throughout the day. Nicole Kidman was content to accept a meagre salary for a dead-end job. Stephen King either spent every free afternoon at the race track or with a group of uninterested friends.

At first glance, the obvious answer to each of these enquiries will be negative and I do not take offence at all. However, aren’t these precisely the types of actions that people who have failed consistently engage in? And aren’t these the types of things that failed individuals actually defend when confronted about their way of life? The only genuine, credible and acurate distinction between those who accomplish their goals and those who do not is the actions they take on a daily basis, week after week, month after month. For personal success is simple and straight forward, despite the fact that all of this may seem so elementary. Although it is not straightforward, it is certainly not intricate.