The Key to Getting What You Want As You Think of It

Have you ever thought of it? that integrity is the most important quality enabling us to fulfil our dreams. In addressing your dreams, integrity is crucial and best summed up as saying what you mean and mean what you say. Honour your word and agreements; you will be living ethically where dreams truly do come true.

Simple yes, but not always easy. Vastly over scheduled, usually yourself is the one most likely to break our promises. You get chances to show up or sell out as you work on keeping your values intact. Do you lose sight of what important to you when under challenge? Do you have an internal pulse—a set of conscious values you live by?

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Integrity is absolutely vital if you are dedicated to a life of happiness and plenty, full of love, kindness, and contribution. Integrity fosters responsibility and confidence. Surrounded by people, if you’re not really yourself you can feel lonely. You can be quite wealthy without integrity and yet feel inadequate. Moreover lacking integrity, you will not have faith in your dreams or trust yourself.

We are not acting in integrity when we leave things unfinished or unresolved. Your attitude to something will help you to identify it as incomplete. Is the problem resolved? Do you give it any thought? What is it affecting in other spheres of your life? When you are totally finished with something, you hardly even consider it. Not one inch of agitation or wasted energy exists. You have to decide whether something is incomplete or not; but, when your past consumes you, it is difficult to concentrate on future dreams. One leads to another, thus incomptions can be known as contagious and common. Nestled under weighty annoyances, we may become lost, terrified, or confused. Let me take Jake for example. Two years of tax nonpayment by him. He was labelled as a bad credit risk since the IRS placed lien on his assets. Neither could he rent a flat nor buy a house. He lost his credit cards eventually. He was enmeshed in a downward spiral that also sapped his self-esteem.

Linda never got around to paying her parking tickets, let them stack. She started to worry about driving since she might get towed. She finally lost her job since she started to worry about driving to work. A minor detail set off a more general concern that resulted in an even more severe issue.

In her house, Carol had a room she referred to as the “black hole,” loaded with unfinished business. She knew it was time to address that project since her husband and she were trying to sell their house. She devised a list comprising more than one hundred “items to do.” They included letters, returning items she had borrowed, and even mailing back a cheap bracelet she had taken from her neighbourhood drugstore when she was a teen. Though it took time and effort, Carol felt lighter and freer with every item she handled. A few weeks after finishing her list, they sold their house with great ease. Completing releases freedom.

Initially Steps

One of the most amazing things you can do to release yourself and have more access to your dreams is this intense process of investigating whatís been left unsaid, undone or incomplete in your life. If done as best you could, this could be the most significant thing you have ever done.

Examine all these vital areas using this formula as a guide to focus your life. Your body, mind, home, business, money, and people—living and dead—are among the areas to investigate (though not limited).

List what you feel lacking about anything or someone.

List your actions required to finish it.

3. Finish as many as you can.

How would one finish something? You might have to call or draft a letter. You might have to declare, “It’s over,” or forgive someone. On some things, you might not know yet or you might have to draft a project schedule. Just try your best to shed anything weighing you down.

Clearing clutter will allow you more clarity and vitality for the things that really matter to you. Completing what you can will inspire you to tackle even the toughest challenges by means of pride, accomplishment, and mental peace of mind. Now, free to advance, you can use the flow of life. Your capacity to manifest dreams will speed and simplify more your life is in order. Just basic.