Be Happy! Little Things Counts

God created the world according to His own understanding. Providing humans with the unique ability to name everything, including the ability to create as well… As a result, the capacity to create and to be productive is innate to the human species.

The orginal purpose of God’s creation of the world was to bring joy to all people and mankind as a whole. So there is no arterial motive, something is being made by humans for the purpose of ensuring their happiness, enjoyment, comfort, and survival.


Happiness they say is the element that is shared by everything that is created by humans and the evidence is clear. There is a great deal of variety in the fields of music, art, and literature. Any one of them has the potential to be the source of one’s happiness throughout their entire life. There are a few things that were designed by humans specifically to bring them joy. These include things like video games and sports, food and beverages, televisions, automobiles, ships, and aeroplanes. It goes without saying that there is also money and everything that can be acquired with your money.

An individual literary genre, a single musical instrument, or a single dancing school is all that is required to bring us happiness. We are aware of individuals who have devoted their entire lives to pursuing a single passion and have achieved success and been satisfied with their pursuit of that passion. The real activities could include things like bird watching, white water rafting, football, tennis, or poetry, all that are parts of a good social life. In point of fact, life is far too short for us to fully appreciate all of the joy that it has to offer us in every facet of it. What is the issue? It is not that there is an insufficient amount of happiness in the world. However, the opposite is true. This is an excessive amount of it.

Whether it be poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction, painting, music, or dance, the fine arts have the ability to captivate us and bring us so much joy that we cannot even begin to describe it. Indeed, it is possible to be content with one’s life while residing in the realm of fine arts. Whether I am lying in bed on a rainy day under a cosy quilt or sitting under a quiet bower beside a calm river under the serene sky with a book in my hand, I am perfectly content. I am also perfectly content when I am listening to great classics.

Take for instance the field of literature. It provides a mental pleasure that is superior to the pleasure that can be found in the world. There are no externally favourable conditions that are required, with the exception of a book. There are a great number of books in the world that I believe every single person ought to read. It is not indispensable to limit one’s reading to only the most prestigious or profound works of literature. When one reads good books, they can tolerate the occasional bad book. To begin, I would suggest that you go to the library in your neighbourhood and select a book that fulfils your preferences in terms of quality and content. It does not necessarily have to be literature of a serious nature. Get a book about a detective, a romance, or even comics from the bookshop. Spend the evening reading in a comfortable setting, either on the sofa or in the bed. It’s possible that you’ll read another book the following week.

Attempt to read works of serious literature and real good books once the habit has been established or stays in the long term memory must be taken note off. Make reading a habit that lasts a lifetime. I find that participating in sports brings me a lot of joy. While playing any game, you will experience a great deal of happiness and mental calm. You participate in physical activity, which is beneficial to your body. However, there is yet another advantage. When you are playing, your mind is completely detached from the problems of the outside world.

Always remember, you do not give them any thought while you are playing because everyone like a free moral agent has the right of what to do and try. Playing, in my opinion, can be thought of as a form of meditation. This is the key to happiness: make sure that your interests are as broad as they can be, and make sure that your responses to the things and people that you are interested in are as friendly as possible, rather than hostile. It was Bertrand Russell.