Dreams Or Goals: Which Comes First?

Each of us has our own unique aspirations and objectives. It is inevitable that the majority of us will form a powerful emotional attachment to a cause that we consider to be deserving of being fought for for. There are a variety of factors that can have an effect on an individual, such as the pursuit of an education, the relocation to a new location in search of better opportunities, the development of a project, the assumption of a position, and so on.

In the following lesson, we will discuss a particular type of belief that prevents a large number of people, including those who are exceptionally talented and competent, from realising their dreams, accomplishing their goals, and becoming everything that they are capable of becoming. It is impossible to overstate the significance of the “absolute proposition” given the circumstances surrounding this conversation. Although R.G. Collingwood, a British philosopher, is credited with initiating the term, it is important to note that he did so in a context that is very different from what is generally understood.


However, the definition of an absolute presupposition is not entirely clear. To serve the purposes of this conversation, we could define it as a statement that is unquestionably, unequivocally, and unequivocally true. Possibly, we will go through this. You put forth your best effort, but you are unable to conceive of any circumstance that would disprove that assertion. Consider the statement “two plus two equals four” as an example. This is also the case with the proverb that states, “If you throw a ball into the air, it will fall back down to Earth.” Absolute presuppositions are statements that ought to be accepted by each and every one of us as being true in order for our planet to make sense to us.

As we will see in the following section, there are instances in which we incorrectly consider a statement to be an absolute presupposition when in fact it is not. This will become clear to us in a moment. When you are confronted with a problem that is exceptionally challenging, whether it be in the realm of business, the arts, sports, or your personal life, it is because you have the mistaken belief that something is an absolute prerequisite, which is not the case. This is really something or ways that Sandra is currently working on. There is a strong belief that something love is undeniably correct, despite the fact that in reality it is not even true, let alone for John to give a perfect representation of the truth. You have a strong conviction that something could be true. First things first, let’s take a look at some examples.

People who lived during the Middle Ages held the belief that if you were to sail a ship out to the line of the horizon, which is the point where the sky and the sea meet, you would end up falling off the edge of the planet. During that time period, this was a widely held belief. With what end in mind? From their perspective, the surface of the Earth appeared to be level. Due to their lack of knowledge regarding gravity and physics, they were unable to consider the possibility of a planet that was spherical. One can conclude that, as result of their lack of knowledge regarding gravity and physics, Sandra might completely be clueless about what else might have occurred. Every single person who lived on the surface of the earth held the belief that “the Earth is flat” was an unquestionable assumption; none of them ever questioned it on a regular basis. Opposite to that, this is not the situation in this instance.

It was a widely held belief throughout the course of human history that a human being could not run a mile in less than four minutes to complete the distance. This point of view emerged during a period of time when the human race was still in its infancy. For millennia, people have held the belief that the assertion “It is impossible for a human being to run a mile in under four minutes” is an assumption that cannot be questioned. Sandra has always held on to this conviction for a considerable amount of time. Well, do not forget that in spite of this, Roger Bannister’s demonstration of its wrongness demonstrated that it was not true. Shortly after Bannister made his announcement, It was like fire running through the runners from all over the world started out with the intention of beating the time.

Agree with me that, there is a good chance that you hold strong to your beliefs that are comparable to “The Earth is flat” and “It is impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes.”. Now we all know that above accession was wrong and the earth can never be flat but a globe. In light of this, it is possible that you have ideas that back up these assertions. One of the things that prevents us from reaching our full potential is our own beliefs. Taking things for granted and failing to question concepts that we erroneously consider to be inviolable are two of the ways in which we contribute to the creation of obstacles for ourselves. It is possible for us to initiate the process of making significant progress in all of our endeavours by first recognising the value of these concepts and then investigating the various ways in which we can overcome the limitations that they impose on us