I’m In My Thirties And Still Single!

During the holiday season, Akosua, who is 37 years old and works as a fashion designer, travels to Accra, Ghana, to visit her parents. This trip takes place before Christmas and its one holiday not to miss for anything under the sun. The typical arrival time for her is one week prior to Christmas Eve which is always memorable. For Akosua, the holidays were not the joyful occasions that they were supposed to be. She detested the holidays because it meant she would have to deal with the questions and concerns of her own parents and other relatives once more. Interestingly, It is extremely awkward not for that day but for her to attend family reunions because everyone in the family is already in a relationship, including her niece, who is a teenager, and a number of her cousins. Due to the fact that Akosua was the only person in the family who was not married during that particular time of year, she was always the focus of attention, which can be an awkward situation.


Seeing your own father standing in the corner and looking at you as if he were asking, “What is wrong with you my daugter please speak to me?” is not a helpful thing to experience. Additionally, whenever you have guests over, your mother acts as if she is not aware of the question that is asked the most frequently in the house: Is your daughter being married?

There are biological clocks that are ticking that are solo and unattached and it something you do not intertionally allow yourself but nature does. She always comes to the realisation that there is no room for a single white female in a family that expects all women to be married, and there is also no room in her circle of friends, who all have their own boyfriends and flings.

Soon she met Aba, her very good childhood friend and best sister. This is something that she always comes to after the holidays. As a result, she came to the conclusion that those around her regarded her as someone who had a kiss goodbye to dating. There are, in fact, a great number of Akosuas out there, just waiting for someone to catch up with them. But did they wait for nothing in return?

Once they realise that they are not getting any younger, career women immediately panic and believe that they have already fallen behind in the game of love. They believe that they have already been left behind. Career women, once they come to the realisation that they, too, yearn for the comforts of a loving relationship, begin to make more time for social interaction in the hope of meeting someone who could liberate them from the life of being single. Women, the majority of whom are in their thirties, have already come to the realisation that the novelty of being single has already been lost.

But this sentiment is not unique to women who are not in relationships. The sense of safety and comfort that comes with being in a relationship is something that even single parents, such as Terry, who is a thirty-something attractive chef and mother of twins, miss. It is difficult for her to get through life, especially considering how much her twin boys miss their father.

On the other hand, there is always hope for those who are isolated and single.

There is no reason to wallow in self-pity simply because you are in a single circumstance. At this point in your life, it would be much beneficial for you to take into consideration the following suggestions, starting with taking care of yourself. Going to your favourite restaurant or coffee shop is all that is required to accomplish this goal. Alice told Mary, please my friend do everything under the sun to maintain a busy schedule, such as by participating in volunteer work; this will prevent you from sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and staying at home. Utilising music as a means of alleviating depression is yet another method.

Do take some dominance, take some very good time to relax with some soothing music, such as jazz and soul music like Enya. When they go shopping, women find that it is therapeutic. In spite of the fact that it may sound superficial, it is possible to acquire high canvassing for fashionable clothing and accessories even if you have a limited budget.

Why worry my brother, remember that amazing stunning pair of red and blue shoes you always loved to have in your closet. It is not necessary for you to participate in the race in order to find the ideal man. Well It’s possible that your Prince Charming amazing lover could be discovered in the most unexpected of places, and it’s also possible that he could be caught in the middle of your unguarded moments when you’re not looking your best. Now I am tired, Yaw said! No no, I wont accept the possibility that there are some benefits and purposes associated with being single. Simply put, we allow ourselves to be influenced by the words of others.
Take a deep breath.
If you are not in a relationship, it is not the end of the world.

Truth be told, you are going to be disappointed well if you put in so much effort to be with someone; you should not do that. Feeling resentful and bitter is only going to make your stress and anxiety levels rise. It will not help to be angry about being together, finding the wrong man, or being separated; doing so will only add fuel to the fire on the situation.

No matter how little you have, you should make the most of what you have.