Inner Engineering: Allowing God To Work Within You

Men’s distinct physical characteristics and inner natures are influenced by their environment. Skin colour, from being brown, yellow, white, black, and so on, is influenced by the environment. The different physical differences between Bengalis and Punjabis in India can be attributed to the influence of the environment. For example, in Accra, located in Ghana, people live an average of 100 years. Their eating habits and material comforts could be more noteworthy, as they consume the same foods as others.

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There are distinctions not only at the body level but also at the level of the inner nature. This is how the visible and invisible environments have an effect. The fundamental reasons for the varying cultures, civilizations, and so forth. How have these individuals’ beliefs, mental tendencies, and habits been shaped, and in which region and direction? It isn’t easy to alter this flow. As a result, it is regarded as a cultural difference and is also nurtured. These unique characteristics abound not only in one’s inner nature but also in one’s ideals.

Various levels of animals, plants, ores, and other items exist based on the environment’s differences. Only the exterior shapes of animals from one nation and animals from another country differ, but their physical strength, capacity to produce milk, and other characteristics are vastly different. The varying conditions of a sheep’s environment are to blame for the varying amounts of wool on its body. Dogs bred in the countryside and those raised in the mountains differ significantly. The area’s subtle, unique characteristics allow it to withstand seasonal changes. Those born in different climates at the time of change find it more challenging to resist heat and cold than those born in cold or hot temperatures. People who travel in fast vehicles always complain of health problems. This is because the body’s endurance power cannot adjust to environmental changes.

Even though herbs grown in different regions are said to have the same name and shape, there is a significant difference in their chemical properties and other characteristics. The form and nature of insects, birds, and other animals vary—the beauty of snakes, scorpions, lizards, spiders, and other animals. This appears to be caused by differences between species, but even these differences are caused by environmental differences.

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In terms of conditions, customs, beliefs, preferences, and culture, regions of various nations exhibit distinct differences. Due to the influence of that particular environment, children born in multiple areas acquire that particular mentality and nature. Such children’s thinking, behaviour, and character are comparable to other locals. The minority begins to imitate the majority when under pressure from the majority. This is known as the trend of the time, the flow of that era, etc., as soon as the seasons (summer, winter, etc.) change. Everything changes, including creatures, plants, and materials. When the weather is good, our activities undergo many changes.

Scientists know that everything on Earth does not result from an accident and cannot be considered a human creation. Numerous events occur here that are the work of subtle powers rather than human beings. As the sun’s state changes, so do the spots that can be seen on it. These changes in the sun have a significant impact on Earth. As a result of changes in the sun, tremendous changes have occurred in the conditions of all living things and material objects. We know how cyclones, storms, radiation, and magnetic storms make everyday events seem extraordinary. Numerous snow eras have occurred on Earth due to invisible energy rains from interstellar space. Water floods, changes in the ocean, and partial extinction have all been observed. In the future, if extraordinary changes in the state of living things or the Earth’s material objects are observed, the instrumental cause will be invisible movements in space, not ordinary events when there are floods, famines, heavy snowfall, epidemics, etc. Man loses all ability to help.

A person’s life is typically one of independence and strength. Despite this, his position about the motions and conditions of the universe is typical. He can’t make it rain because of the water-filled clouds beside him. When it comes to preventing old age and death, he fails miserably. His influence over the circumstances is minimal. He rarely manages to escape the passage of time. He can’t stop winter from coming, so the best he can do is to stay warm by lighting a fire and wearing warm clothes.

Therefore, it is abundantly clear that the environment affects man. That nation’s ways of thinking and traditions shape how people in different countries live. Within that, rather than their material brilliance, the influence of the environment is at work.

Changes for the better in the environment can come about through collective consciousness. These concepts often emerge from the unseen world, causing people’s minds to flutter like dry grass and leaves in a storm. There is a strong desire to go to war. Many individuals feel the urge for a major conflict in these times, and they are ready to fight. In society, there is a strange frenzy that looms large. There is no need to explain or discuss it. The speed and intensity of the atmosphere hypnotize the average person’s mind, leading it to follow the course of time. Researchers in public psychology are knowledgeable about the processes through which the environment becomes charged and heated during large-scale war frenzies and regional riots. Like this enthusiasm for war, other subtle currents emerge regularly and act like storms, drawing countless minds to their path.

Once upon a time, democratic ideas replaced the rule of kings, allowing people to vote for their government. This was followed by the spread of communism, with Russia as a leader and many European and Asian countries adopting its principles. Today, about half of the world embraces communism, either fully or partially. These movements of communism and democracy can be seen as significant trends of our time. Occasionally, other ideologies like capitalism, socialism, and casteism have also emerged, much like waves on the beach. Just as a spectator observes the ebb and flow of ocean waves, various ideologies come and go, influencing many minds and taking them to distant places.

The teachings of Lord Buddha in The Wheel of Time emphasized the concept of flow over materialism. Material possessions were seen as part of this flow, and the followers of Buddha included many intelligent, capable, and wealthy individuals. Like other religious leaders in history, Buddha’s influence created waves of acceptance among his followers. These waves also contributed to movements for independence in nations seeking to break free from foreign rule. The power of these waves is genuinely remarkable and can inspire people to follow a particular path. Understanding the profound significance of this inspiration is essential to appreciating its influence on individuals and society.

It is essential to rely on a supportive environment for public acceptance and cooperation rather than just using advertising tools. When the subtle world’s flow supports our efforts, it increases our chances of success. Just like ships, aeroplanes, and individuals move quickly when the wind is at their back, having a positive environment can help us reach our goals. Conversely, when the environment is unclean, it can lead to terrible epidemics and impact living things. People can feel the effects of a depressing home environment. The contrast between a temple and a slaughterhouse environment is evident. In spiritual science, the subtle world and its environment are more crucial than worldly objects. Creating a favourable environment for the transformation era will require significant effort based on spiritual science.

The Era Transformation is the most extensive and significant undertaking on our planet. It requires extraordinary and unlimited energy, not ordinary and limited power. While physical equipment is necessary, spiritual energy will be the primary source. The mission of spirituality is to transform and purify the public mentality. As a result, the amount of energy required should be comparable. The collective mindset determines whether the environment is positive or negative. Collective righteous programs based on spiritual practices are the only means by which it can be manifested. We are all working towards this goal right now. Hopefully, these efforts will significantly impact the grand objective of the Era Transformation.