Stars From All Nations(SFAN): Our Story

Our story began in a little classroom at Radford University, Ghana, in late 2013. Our founder, Tom-Chris Emewulu, was in his second year of a B.Sc. degree when he read a report stating that of all 66,000 students who graduate in the country, only 3% could find formal employment within one year.

With a desire to change the narrative and armed with his experience of building a thriving retail business before college, he invited his friends to join forces with him in bridging education and employment to empower. As they embarked on this journey, he uncovered a much broader challenge:

Youth unemployment is a significant challenge in Ghana and the entire continent. Although there have been tremendous improvements in Africa’s economic activities, the challenge lies in integrating young people into the workforce. There is a big disconnect because even as Africa’s economy expands and domestic demand increases, youth employment has not.

Hence, Emewulu saw a need for an Africa-focused, globallyminded social enterprise that helps young people to discover themselves and act as catalysts to inspire others to live their lives on their terms. Stars From All Nations(SFAN)® was, therefore, established with the precise vision of raising the next generation of African leaders.

Our target audience represents 60% of Africa’s population, and this number will keep growing. Studies have shown that by 2030, 75% of all people under 35 will be African. Our goal is to create frameworks that can help this target audience live to their best potential and excel in life.