Why Never Befriend Procrastination: It Has Destroyed Destinies

Now is the time for us to tell the truth. For example, would you consider yourself to be one of those people who start a project or task, but then promptly put it off until later? Have no fear; just consult a writer; this is something that all of us do. Facing the reality that it is a part of the human condition is extremely important. Having said that, there are a lot of difficulties that come along with never finishing a task or whatever it is that you start over and over again, and we are going to talk about these difficulties in this article.

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According to Steve McClatchy, “two principles from psychology—gain and pain—affect how we make decisions and impact our happiness.” They are referred to as “gain” and “pain.” The field of psychology is concerned with both gain and pain.

How come we tend to put things off until later? Well Akua asked Kwamena, have you asked yourself why you then to do things later and not now? Well the real behaviour of many is that we are engaging in is known as procrastination or delayance, and it occurs when we put off doing something because it is unpleasant in some way. When we do something later than now, it is either something that we do not enjoy doing (like calling a bank), or it is something that causes us some physical discomfort (like going to the gym). This may not only have an effect on your professional or personal life (promotions and the like), but it may also mean that the tasks that you really want to do are offered to someone else who is considered to be more reliable! This is a situation that you may find yourself in.

There is a possibility that a significant amount of clutter will be produced as a consequence of the presence of a large number of unfinished tasks. This clutter may consist of books, papers, or other items that are necessary for the completion of the task.

Negative for morale: There is nothing more disheartening than being aware that you have a task that you are obligated to complete, only to find out at the end of the day that the task was not completed. This is a detrimental situation for morale. As a result of this, it runs the risk of causing you to experience feelings of depression and may even divert your attention while you are attempting to concentrate on other aspects of the situation.

It is not possible for you to have any wiggle room. The more you put off doing something, the more work you accumulate in the long run. In the event that an urgent task suddenly comes in, you will not have the flexibility to drop everything and work on it because there are an excessive number of other things that are still outstanding and need to be done. Note that, this is because you have a limited amount of time to complete everything else. Therefore there is a possibility that the job itself will not change as a result of delaying it; however, the feeling that we have in our minds regarding how unpleasant we believe the job will be will increase as a result of the delay. As the situation continues to feed on itself, we are considering the fact that we will have to explain to other people why we are not performing the duties that are assigned to us, and the situation is becoming increasingly ugly.

There are situations in which procrastination is not a deliberate action, and this is something that should be respected. Despite the fact that you have never made a deliberate choice to keep yourself from completing particular tasks, there are some things that you never seem to get around to completing. However, there are times when you come to the conclusion that you do not wish to finish the task at hand and instead opt to postpone it until a later time.

However, if you simply adopt a “do it now” attitude, you will be able to save yourself a great deal of mental clutter and possibly even more discomfort in the future. This is because there is a direct correlation between the two. Make the decision that you are going to simply get the job done, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. This decision should be followed through with. It is not uncommon for you to come to the realisation that the discomfort you felt in relation to the task was simply your mind feeding on itself while you were putting it off. It is only when you finally get around to completing the task that you will come to this realisation. Additionally, lets not forget that the sense of accomplishment or sucess that comes with finishing the task is another reason why the effort that was put in is well worth it. You should ask yourself, “What am I going to do about it?” after you have gained an understanding of procrastination. This is the next question you need to ask yourself. I sincerely hope that you will go ahead and make the decision to get rid of procrastination in your life, and that you will be able to reap the benefits of that decision!